星期二, 六月 25, 2013

[影片介绍] Mukhsin

导演:Yasmin Ahmad
分类号: M988.9386

The story takes place in Sekinchan, Sabak Bernam in 1993, revolving around the first love of a 10-year-old Orked when a 12-year-old boy, Mukhsin, comes with his elder brother and aunt to spend the school holidays in her village. Around this relatively simple plotline of a blossoming young romance between the film's two young protagonists, are interweaved scenes of Malaysian village life and the dynamics of different types of families. Most of the family scenes revolve around Orked and her mother (Mak Inom), father (Pak Atan), and the family's close maid who is almost like a family member (Kak Yam). The other families which are given attention in the movie are Mukhsin's family (with his elder brother who has lost his way in life and is trying desperately to find their mother who abandoned them at a young age, and their Aunty who is trying to take care of the two boys as though they were her own), and Orked's neighbours (with the young daughter and pregnant mother who are critical of the western ways of Orked's family, while they themselves are hurt by the father who wants to abandon them to take on a second wife).

十岁那年,小娥懵懵懂懂经历了人生第一场恋爱。只爱看书的小娥性格有点男孩 气,木星跑来亲近的时候,她只是觉得找对了死党。木星根小娥学英文,小娥在木星身上知道更多伊斯兰教的故事,但木星不一样,他在小娥身上发现的是爱情。他 不懂表达,考试妒忌。如果爱情意味着失去友谊,她不想要……导演用纹丝不动地镜头讲述人的心事。  .




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