星期二, 十二月 17, 2013

[影片介绍] Rise of the Guardians = 守护联盟者

影片:Rise of the Guardians = 守护联盟者
导演:Peter Ramsey
分类号: E987.85

When an evil spirit called Pitch becomes bent upon taking over the world by inspiring fear in the hearts of kids everywhere, a group of our greatest heroes--Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, the Sandman and Jack Frost -- band together for the first time, determined to stand in Pitch's way. More than a collection of storybook subjects, " The Guardians" are also a band of superheroes, who possess their own special powers. Now joined in opposition of a common foe, the Guardians heed the call combine their powers to defeat Pitch and protect the world from his campaign of fear. The film is based on "The Guardians of Childhood," a series of highly anticipated books by William Joyce.
Jack Frost (voice of Chris Pine), The Easter Bunny (voice of Hugh Jackman), The Tooth Fairy (voice of Isla Fisher), The Sandman, and Santa Claus (voice of Alec Baldwin) team up to stop the malevolent specter Pitch (voice of Jude Law) from stealing the dreams of children, and using his dark powers to rule supreme. Guillermo del Toro serves as executive producer of this fantasy adventure based on the book by William Joyce (who co-wrote the screenplay with Robots scribe David Lindsay-Abaire) 



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