星期二, 十二月 17, 2013

[影片介绍] Linsanity = 林来疯

影片:Linsanity = 林来疯
导演Evan Jackson Leong
分类号: E785.28

In February 2012, the New York Knicks were having a truly unremarkable season and seemed unlikely to see postseason play when a star emerged from their ranks -- Jeremy Lin, a point guard who sparked a seven-game winning streak that galvanized fans and gave the Knicks an unexpected shot at a playoff spot. While the Knicks' sudden turnaround seemed like something out of a movie, Lin was the unlikely hero -- a player of Taiwanese and Chinese heritage who was one of the few Asian-Americans playing in the NBA, and an athlete whose promising career had known more than a few setbacks, causing him to wonder if he might be cut from the Knicks's team before things finally clicked.
Filmmaker Evan Jackson Leong had been following Lin's career before he become a fan favorite in early 2012, and in the documentary Linsanity, he presents the full story of Lin's life on and off the court, including his relationship with his family, his college career at Harvard, his stint with the Houston Rockets, how he deals with racism in a sport where few Asians excel, and his strong Christian faith. Linsanity received its world premiere at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival.

2012年二月,在篮球场上挂起的一股“林来疯”席卷全球。整个赛季都表现不 佳的纽约尼克斯队,出人意料的给了替补控卫林书豪一个证明自己的机会。林书豪抓住时机,不辱使命,以惊艳的表现成为当代NBA首发五场得分最多的球员,在 全世界造成了极强的轰动。然而在“林来疯”现象之前,林书豪的职业篮球之路却四处碰壁。不仅在申请大学时未能得到奖学金,还在NBA选秀中失望落选。
华裔导演梁伊丹早在林书豪的名号尽人皆知以前就发现了他。他们跟随并拍摄下了林书豪作为亚裔球员,在NBA打拼的艰辛,并最终成为巨星的旅程。《林来 疯》不只是一部为篮球迷拍摄的纪录片,更是一部激励人心的追梦记和奋斗史。



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