星期一, 六月 17, 2013

[影片介绍] Diary of a Wimpy Kid

影片:Diary of a Wimpy Kid
导演Thor Freudenthal
片长:88 分钟
分类号: E987.85

To Greg Heffley, middle school is the dumbest idea ever invented. It's a place rigged with hundreds of social landmines, not the least of which are morons, wedgies, swirlies, bullies, lunchtime banishment to the cafeteria floor - and a festering piece of cheese with nuclear cooties. To survive the never-ending ordeal and attain the recognition and status he feels he so richly deserves, Greg devises an endless series of can't-miss schemes, all of which, of course, go awry. And he's getting it all down on paper, via a diary - "it's NOT a diary, it's a journal!" Greg insists, preferring the less-sissyfied designation - filled with his opinions, thoughts, tales of family trials and tribulations, and (would-be) schoolyard triumphs. "One day when I'm famous," writes Greg, "I'll have better things to do than answer people's stupid questions all day." So was born the Wimpy Kid's diary. Written by Twentieth Century Fox  

本片根据美国作家杰夫·金尼的同名畅销儿童系列读物改编。第一天升入初中的格雷·郝夫利忐忑不安,拼命想要突出表现成为班级年鉴中的明星。格雷的哥哥罗德里克给了他一堆不能这样也不能那样的忠告,他的好朋友罗利·杰佛森却不以为然,继续沿用小学时那一套穿戴、用语、态度,让格雷十分头疼。格雷拒绝了女孩安琪加入校报的邀请,拉着罗利加入了校安全巡逻队。在逃避万圣节得罪的三个小混混时格雷犯了错误,却又缺乏勇气承认,听任罗利替自己背了黑锅。后续事件的 发展越来越糟,格雷在学校的受欢迎度直线掉落,就连他与罗利的友谊都岌岌可危……




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