星期六, 六月 15, 2013

[影片介绍] The adventures of TinTin

影片:The Adventures of TIN TIN
导演Steven Spielberg
片长:107 分钟
分类号: E987.85

Having bought a model ship, the Unicorn, for a pound off a market stall Tintin is initially puzzled that the sinister Mr. Sakharine should be so eager to buy it from him, resorting to murder and kidnapping Tintin - accompanied by his marvellous dog Snowy - to join him and his gang as they sail to Morocco on an old cargo ship. Sakharine has bribed the crew to revolt against the ship's master, drunken Captain Haddock, but Tintin, Snowy and Haddock escape, arriving in Morocco at the court of a sheikh, who also has a model of the Unicorn. Haddock tells Tintin that over three hundred years earlier his ancestor Sir Francis Haddock was forced to scuttle the original Unicorn when attacked by a piratical forebear of Sakharine but he managed to save his treasure and provide clues to its location in three separate scrolls, all of which were secreted in models of the Unicorn. Tintin and Sakharine have one each and the villain intends to use the glass-shattering top Cs of operatic soprano the ... 

丁丁和白雪的故事可以说是影响了不止一代人。在史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格和彼得·杰克逊的努力下,丁丁的故事终于被搬上了大银幕。这一次,丁丁因为一艘古老的 船模,而开始了一次惊险的历险。这艘名为独角兽号的模型船,隐藏着一个海盗和财宝的故事。为了解开这个流传了几个世纪的秘密,丁丁和白雪一起不断寻找线 索,找寻真相。在航海家阿道克船长、笨手笨脚的侦探搭档杜庞与杜邦以及白雪的帮助下,丁丁游历了半个地球,与恶棍萨卡林斗智斗勇。最终,丁丁终于找到了独角兽号隐藏的秘密,以及那一则古老的诅咒…… 




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